10月19日至20日,美国北卡罗来纳州立大学Robert Kelly教授应邀访问中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所。Kelly教授是北卡罗来纳州立大学Alcoa教授,北卡州生物技术工程主任,《Applied and Environmental Microbiology》杂志编辑。
19日上午,Kelly教授作了题为“Extremely Thermophilic microorganism: genes, genomes and genetics”的学术报告。会议由李福利研究员主持。李福利研究员首先对Kelly教授进行了简要介绍,并对Kelly教授的到来表示热烈欢迎。随后,Kelly教授在报告中着重介绍了极端嗜热微生物研究的三个方面,涉及到基因、基因组及遗传学。这对极端嗜热微生物的研究工作具有重要的指导意义。
During Oct. 19th- 20nd 2015, Prof. Robert Kelly from North Carolina State University, USA was invited to visit Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT), Chinese Academy of Sciences.
On Oct. 19th, Prof. Kelly gave a presentation titled “Extremely Thermophilic microorganism: genes, genomes and genetics”. He mainly introduced three aspects of his research, which referred to the genes, genetics and genomes of extremely thermophilic microorganisms. The talk gave important guidance for extremely thermophilic microorganism study. The lecture was hosted by Prof. Li Fuli, the group leader of Microbiology Resource Group of QIBEBT.
During his stay in QIBEBT, Prof. Kelly also visited Microbiology Resource Group and shared his experience on research and technologies, which laid good foundation for potential collaboration between North Carolina State University and QIBEBT.