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Molecular Microbiology Engineering Team Receives Scholarship from Chinese Academy of Sciences - Developing Countries Academy of Sciences
Date:2019-10-30 View:

On June 25th, the list of scholars of the Chinese Academy of Sciences-Professional Academy of Sciences (CAS-TWAS) was announced. The student from Pakistan, SAIRA MUNIR, was selected. This is the sixth international student introduced by the research team in the past five years.
The team strives to expand the channels for recruiting international students and scholars, actively organizes telephone and video interviews to identify outstanding applicants, and helps applicants to sort out and check the materials, and has achieved satisfactory results, through CAS-TWAS, CAS- Under the relevant scholarship grant schemes such as PIFI and the Ministry of Science and Technology, a number of doctoral or postdoctoral fellows have been introduced from Egypt, Germany, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and other countries.
In response to the training of international students and scholars, the research team is responsible and high-quality, so that international students and scholars have achieved excellent results and experience. Dr. Md. Abu Saleh from Bangladesh published a high-level paper in the journal Appl. Environ. Microbio. After graduation, he was promoted to associate professorship at the University of Rajshahi. Dr. Cho Cho Ma from Myanmar, who was promoted to professor after his return to China. position.
The continuous introduction of international students (scholars) of this research group not only strengthens the international exchange and cooperation and academic influence of this research group, but also promotes the diversified healthy development and international research atmosphere of this research group. (Text: Lv Ming)